Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Green Flag


So here it is – my long anticipated “blog”. To be honest, up until a few months ago, I didn’t even know what a blog was. I remember in the Presidential debates that there was mention of “John Kerry’s Blog”. I figured it was another word for a commercial, or some sort of advertisement. Not being a fan of Mr. Kerry’s, I never looked into it. So then I’m sitting in church a few months ago and there’s mention of the church’s blog. I thought, “why are we running ads on tv?”. Of course I was then distracted for the remainder of the service thinking of Pastor Tom on television asking people to “Come on down!”. Just what we need, another Ernie Boch.

So that’s how I got here. Church. I’m hoping I can spend a lot of time providing new posts (or blogs, if that’s what they call it) to inspire additional discussions and conversations. I normally have a lot to say, so my problem may be that I write too much and people don’t have time to keep up. And, although I am not a shallow man, I don't know how deep I can go here...but we'll see. One thing is for certain, racing will always get some sort of support in my commentary!

The question I keep asking myself: Will my wonderful wife, Jen, accept a response of “sorry, hunny, I can’t do the dishes tonight because I’m working on church stuff” as an excuse?

More to come soon!


dave said...

welcome to the blogging world scotty. other than the racing stuff, i'm sure i will enjoy what you have to say.

TDags said...

Can you like NASCAR and still be a Christian?