Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Living Sacrifice to God

In my last post I talked about my grandmother's death and how I felt I was given the opportunity that I was praying for. Not only that, I was given an opportunity to do something I feel I do very well - speak in front of a large audience.

I was just reading Romans 12, and verse 6 hit me hard. "God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well".

So often I look at someone else and think - 'I wish I could do that'.

Take for example Pastor Tom. I would love to be up there every Sunday morning. I just don't have THAT calling. I wish I did, and not to say I won't down the road, but I have been put into a different situation that I really need to focus more on it. See verse 8: "...If God has given you leadership ability, take it seriously." That's my job - lead others, especially during a very critical time of change where jobs are leaving our business and going overseas. People feel their jobs are on the line...

My point/realization -> I need to find my gifts and build up God with them. I need to spend less time wishing I was gifted with something else.

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